Enjoy the experience of peace and tranquility with the best hands and environment. You will get face and body massages and treatments that will make you lighter and rejuvenated.

Body Shape Detox massage

Manual body scupting & relaxing massage treatment helps to improve skin appearance and reduce cellulite and localized fat. Noticeable changes from the first session.

All body areas.

60 min session


10 sessions

Wood abs massage

Helps to reduce localized fat from your belly, waist and back. It is mixed with hypopressive breathing, which helps to tonify, improve your posture and prevent hernias.

Noticeable changes from the first session.

Abs, waist & back.

40 min session


10 Sessions

Post-surgery treatment

Includes radiofrequency, ultrasound and lymphatic drainage. The sessions can be combined with Body Shape Detox massages, depending on the patient.

All body areas.

75 min session


10 Sessions

Divine facial treatment

Includes radiofrequency, chemical peeling, mask and anti-aging massage. 10 sessions are recommended for optimal results.

45 min session


10 Sessions

Body Shape Detox + Wood abs

A mix of both techniques, focusing on abs. Noticeable changes from the first session.

All body areas.


75 min session


10 sessions

Deep facial

Helps to eliminate toxins and prevent premature aging. It is recommended to have a facial at least once a month to maintain your glowing skin, increase blood circulation and leave your face feeling clean and new.

60 min session


1 Session

Body Shape Detox Masage


This manual relaxing massage is delivered twice a week.  

It is also recommended for post-surgery treatment to improve skin appearance and abdominal marking. 

Includes all body areas: belly, arms, legs, buttocks and back, plus a nutritional evaluation.

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Post-surgery treatment

Includes radiofrequency, ultrasound and lymphatic drainage. The sessions can be combined with Divine Body Detox massages, depending on the patient. It is on the areas that where operated.

Wood abs massage

Abdominal massage with wood is a fat reduction treatment that improves bowel movements. it is mixed with hypopressive breathing exercises to tone abs and have stronger core.

This massage can be combined with Body Shape Detox massage.


Treatment to reduce wrinkles, bags and double chin.

Includes an anti-aging massage, which shows results from the first session; relaxes and tones your skin. 

Includes: cleaning, exfoliation, peeling, mask, radiofrequency and massage.


Deep facial cleanser

Helps to eliminate toxins and prevent premature aging. It is recommended to have a facial at least once a month to maintain your glowing skin. It also increases blood circulation and leaves your face clean and skin looking like new. 

Includes: cleaning, exfoliation, peeling, steam and ozone, extraction, high frequency machine, moisturiser, massage and sun protection. 

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